Scoreboard solar power

Using the sun for free power to your electronic scoreboard is easy with our solar power kit.

Scoreboard Solar Power

Using our solar power kit with your battery-operated cricket scoreboard really adds convenience.
No longer does someone have to be responsible for carrying the heavy leisure battery back and forth to charge it up for each game.
It will also save significant installation costs, compared to running mains electricity to the scoreboard.

Our Solar Powered Kit

All the parts you need to start harnessing the sun’s rays for your scoreboard are included – just install.

Wire the control box to the solar panel, the scoreboard and a leisure battery (not included) – and away you go!

The kit contains:
– A 12v 120 watt solar panel
– Cables
– Control box which displays volts, solar panel current and the load current
– Mounting kit
– Instructions

Planning the installation

When choosing a location, the solar panel will need to be in sunshine for as long as possible and facing the sun (usually due south) at noon.

For optimal performance, it should be clear of any obstructions and angled at 65 degrees to receive the sun as it changes position during the season.

It needs to be mounted on a rigid surface e.g. a vertical wall or a pole but not on a felt-covered flat roof as the fixings may cause a leak. Avoid being close to the ground where it may be damaged or vandalised.

How Much Power Can You Expect?

A single 120 Watt solar panel and 80Ah leisure battery will be sufficient for most clubs to power their scoreboard all season long.

However, if you have a very large scoreboard, or use it for 3 or more days a week, then a second battery and/or solar panel may be necessary.

Contact Us To Buy

Solar power kit – pole mounting, £240

120 watt solar panel, control unit, cables and pole mounting frame

Solar power kit – wall mounting, £240

120 watt solar panel, control unit, cables and wall mounting frame

Need some advice?

We’re happy to help with any cricket scoreboard enquiries that you might have.

If you’re tight for space, need a portable option or have a certain budget in mind, just give us a call or drop us an email.


Bespoke Scoreboards

Give us a call or email and we’ll be happy to help.

0113 252 4956 (sales)
0113 252 5582 (support)