Small but mighty

Our small cricket scoreboards include a portable option, as well as internal and external repeaters that duplicate the main scoreboard.

Small wireless scoreboards

Our small wireless scoreboards include the control panel, power supply, connecting cables and the scoreboard display.

We have different models that are suitable for indoor, school and junior games, as well as clubs. They can be mounted on a wall, steel or timber frames, hung up by their handles or moved around on a trolley.

They have 5-10 inch tall digits displaying total, wickets, overs and last innings.

External repeater scoreboard

An external repeater duplicates the scores from your main scoreboard. It improves the experience for spectators at grounds where visibility might be limited.

It operates from the main scoreboard control so a separate control panel is not required.

We make them in any shape or size to suit your requirements and location.

Internal repeater scoreboards

This is an ideal scoreboard for inside the clubhouse to keep up with the progress of the game whilst visiting the bar!

Any number of wireless repeater scoreboards can be associated with a main scoreboard control, provided they are within the service area of the control panel transmitter (200 metres line of sight).

You might also need…

Control Panels

Our cricket scoreboard controllers are designed to make it easy for scorers to operate the scoreboard.

Solar Power

Using the sun for free power to your electronic scoreboard is easy with our solar power kit.

Need some advice?

We’re happy to help with any cricket scoreboard enquiries that you might have.

If you’re tight for space, need a portable option or have a certain budget in mind, just give us a call or drop us an email.


Bespoke Scoreboards

Give us a call or email and we’ll be happy to help.

0113 252 4956 (sales)
0113 252 5582 (support)